How to Build Your Own Terrarium

Things you’ll need

-Glass container

-Pebbles, marbles, rocks (anything to use as filler)

-Potting soil


-Plant of choice

-Tools like pincers, spoons, funnel and scissors and tissue


Step #1: Select a clear glass container with a wide mouth.

Step #2: Place rocks at the bottom to enhance drainage.

Step #3: Place freshly soaked moss on the rocks and spread it gently to form a sheet.

Step #4: Take a fistful of potting soil and work it into the bottom. Use peat moss mix for sphagnum and non-moisture control mix for other plants.

-Step #5: Plant the plant of your choice now. Add soil all around the roots and spray some organic pesticide to repel potential pests.

-Step #6: Mist water to promote recovery from transplant shock.


Water your terrarium sparingly, perhaps twice a week.

Trim the plants every now and then to keep off overgrowth.

Mist gently inside the surface, taking care not to disturb the plants

Ensure the topsoil stays wet at all times.

Consider a shady location for your terrarium because it is more likely to thrive in indirect light.

Choosing Plants for Terrariums

Not every plant can survive in these pint-sized gardens. Ideally, the plant you choose should:

-Have a small size.

-Tolerate humidity

-Tolerate low light conditions

-Be pest-free; four-legged critters can destroy your terrarium within a few days flat.

For succulents and cacti, use an open-top container that will enclose less humidity. It’s advisable to use some sand in addition to the potting mix, in order to simulate the natural environment of the plant.

Best Terrarium Staples

Moss (Scottish moss, Irish moss)

-Easy to grow

-Easy to find



Baby’s Tears

-Compact size


-Easy to contain within a jar

African Violet


-Require warmth and humidity to grow

-Do well in closed glass terrariums

-Relatively hardy

Creeping Fig

-Intriguing appearance

-Tolerates dappled shade

-Fast grower

-Easy to prune

Golden Pothos

-Virtually indestructible

-Prefers indirect light

-Easy to prune

-Easy to propagate

Build Your Own Terrarium via Thesecretyumiverse

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