Ten Benefits of Hot Stone Massage Therapy

-Hot Stones dilate blood vessels that facilitate enhanced blood flow across the entire body.

-Massaging with hot stones has an instant sedative effect that helps reduce stress, pain and improve sleep quality.

-It aids in muscle recovery and reduces the pain arising from muscular spasms. As a result, you experience relief from stress and tension.

-Hot stone massage decreases rigidity in the joint and promotes better mobility.

-It offers relief from the pinching pain associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia and similar such chronic conditions.

-A hot stone massage helps you cope up with the symptoms of paranoia and clinical depression.

-It negates the effect that stress and insomnia have on sleep and promotes deep relaxation in older people.

-Hot stone therapy balances the heart rate and adjusts your pulse rate within a normal range.

-It is known to amp up your metabolic rate, leading to better digestion and maintenance of body weight.

-Most importantly, it rejuvenates you and makes you feel nourished and happy. And at the end of the day, that is what matters.

Ten Benefits of Hot Stone Massage Therapy via Stansmassagetherapy

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